It is a well-rounded education, with lots of exercise, many creative and expressive outlets, a great deal of collectivity but perhaps most importantly plenty of meditation.
The International Sahaja Public School is situated high in the Himalayan foothills above Dharamshala in Northern India.
We are grateful to Shri Mataji to bless us with such a school for the young yogis. The most amazing feature of ISPS is that each day the student is meditating along with the world collective. Each day the kundalini of each student rises and brings in positive transformation and awakens divine qualities in them. Where else can one find such an environment for one’s upbringing?

“An institution for children of SAHAJA YOGI families around the world to provide for the protection of their innocence, for the development of their personality and for their academic advancement in a pure, ethical & spiritual environment, so that they grow up to be responsible members of the community striving for the vision of an enlightened, world-wide human family, owing allegiance to ONE ALMIGHTY GOD and living together in peace and harmony.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi